Could time itself actually explain our universe's expansion? Our current cosmological model—known as lambda cold dark matter, ...
By looking at light from distant exploding stars called supernovas, in 1998 astronomers discovered the universe isn't just ...
Scientists are challenging the existence of dark energy with a new model called "timescape," which suggests the Universe's ...
Engaging articles, breathtaking images and expert knowledge Issues delivered straight to your door ...
But now, scientists from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, say they have finally cracked the puzzle with a radical new theory. In a shock new paper, they say that dark energy isn't real ...
A controversial new model is presenting challenges to the long-theorized existence of mysterious dark energy throughout our ...
Dark energy has been modern physics’ most successful placeholder, a theoretical force invented to explain why galaxies seem to be racing away from each other at ever-increasing speeds. Now, after ...
NASA's latest warning suggests dark energy could lead the universe to a 'Big Freeze,' where expansion extinguishes light, ...
Dark energy is one of the greatest mysteries of ... will play a crucial role in testing this theory. The Euclid satellite can potentially distinguish between the traditional Friedmann equation ...
Dark matter is one of the most debated and intriguing missing puzzle pieces of modern physics – a mysterious form of energy ...
Scientists challenge the existence of dark energy. They suggest the universe's accelerating expansion is due to uneven gravitational effects on time.