After over two years of events and seasons, Diablo, the titular villain of the series, finally arrived in Diablo Immortal during the Shattered Sanctuary event. However, with his threat having been ...
GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Diablo 4 did huge numbers when it was released in June 2023, with positive reviews, impressive sales numbers, and over 12 million players.
The Diablo 4 team is giving us only holiday gift that matters: the gift of more Treasure Goblins. Here at Blizzard Watch, we are on record stating more Treasure Goblins directly equals more fun as you ...
The third live-action movie draws heavily from a Dreamcast classic NetEase is developing an 'all new' Destiny game, set in an alternative universe Shadow’s return to the spotlight has been a ...
Of the two teases, the most obvious is “Utgard rises.” Immortal Thor introduced the conflict between Asgard and Utgard from the beginning. Utgard is a dark shadow of Asgard, created by Utgard ...