Actor Khaqan Shahnawaz has said he could play Indian actor Kareena Kapoor’s son, not her lover, in a drama because of her age, a statement that has sparked backlash from fans of the iconic Bollywood ...
Reciting dua for Iftar or roza kholne ki dua while breaking fast is not necessary but we read it just to follow Sunnah. If one recites dua for Iftar before breaking fast will surely receive extra ...
Telly town couple, Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar, paid a visit to the Ajmer Sharif Dargah in Ajmer, Rajasthan. The duo loves sharing glimpses of their happy life with their fans. From being part of ...
Lahore: Sabiq Wazeer e azam nawaz sharif ki aheliya begum kulsoom nawaz ki maiyyat jati umrah pohancha di gayi hai, Namaz e janaza jati... Karachi: Wazeer baraye Behri amoor Ali zaidi ka kehna hai ...