这一点在周一得到了证明,苹果公司在这天提交了文件,寻求参与美国司法部针对谷歌反垄断案的处罚阶段。搜索巨头谷歌在8月份输掉了这场官司,目前正与美国政府围绕哪些补救措施算是恰当的展开较量。美国司法部有一长串愿望清单,其中包括 拆分谷歌 ...
Update imposes tougher regulations on financial institutions, highlights emerging technologies — such as virtual assets — and ...
乌克兰被朝鲜入侵了,朝鲜必须承担侵略者的后果,美国和欧洲应该援助乌克兰生产远程导弹用于打击平壤~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##### ...
且让我们交叉手指祈求好运,希望特朗普这位生意人明年1月底上任后,不会真的“Fight! Fight!
韩国总统尹锡悦星期四 (12月12日)发表长约29分钟的“对抗性谈话”,为其上周宣布戒严并向韩国国会派遣军队的惊人决定辩护,他主张戒严属于统治行为,并拒绝自行辞职,誓言将“对抗到底”。
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Thursday vowed to fight "until the very last minute," defending his shock decision last week to declare martial law and deploy troops to the country's ...
Benedikt gets into a fight with Svanhvít over budget cuts; Steinunn faces challenges in work and family life; Grímur tries to support Benedikt, but rising tensions leave him increasingly isolated and ...