Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus yesterday said the ensuring financial security of the families of the martyrs and the injured in the students-people's uprising is the state's responsibility.
Thank you for encouraging readers to consider — before acquiring an animal — whether they have the time and resources to provide a lifetime of quality care. PETA’s Community Animal Project ...
Knowing what was happening, the church shifted offenders from parish to parish, and now they are shifting financial responsibility for the crimes perpetrated. If the Catholic Church were a ...
It is about time for the legislature to take responsibility for funding local ... Generally, we limit letters to 200 words. Cite sources of where you found information or the article that prompted ...
It is about time for the legislature to take responsibility for funding local police in our major cities. The use of political ploys denies responsibility, especially for past defunding of the cities.
"The brazen and shameless admission of the assassination of a political leader in the sovereign territory of one of the member states of the United Nations once again reveals the international ...
Here we are again. Another short-term spending bill, instead of an annual balanced budget from Congress. What a dysfunctional collection of incompetents. I’ve stated this many times before ...