Leapmotor expects to have turned a profit in Q4 last year, achieving its single-quarter profit goal a year ahead of schedule, ...
中新网新疆新闻1月6日电(夏汇 地里夏提)随着冬日寒风渐起,塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘的巴楚县上演了一场别开生面的冰捕盛景。在这片看似荒芜的沙漠旁,巴楚卫星水库已是一片冰封,而冰下却藏着丰收的喜悦——新鲜肥美的大闸蟹即将在春节前夕走上全国消费者的餐桌。
(ECNS) -- At 11:04 a.m. on Sunday, the G828 high-speed train departed Xi’an, northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, directly for ...
BEIJING, 29 dic (Xinhua) -- Prototipos del tren bala CR450, con una velocidad de prueba de hasta 450 kilómetros por hora y ...
The CR450 is capable of running at 450 kilometers per hour in tests, highlighting China's cutting-edge advancements in rail technology, the China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. (China Railway) said.
The Italian musical "Casanova," which had its Chinese premiere at the Shanghai Culture Square, takes a fresh look at the venerated character from Venice. The Italian musical "Casanova" had its China ...
中新网新疆新闻12月19日电(张振国)12月16日,阜康市纪委监委机关召开2025年纪检监察工作务虚会,在总结盘点2024年度工作开展情况的基础上,重点谋划2025年工作思路举措和重点任务。市纪委监委领导班子、市纪委监委机关各部室、各派驻(派出)纪检监察 ...