India celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi, a festival that originated in the 17th century under the Maratha Empire when Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj observed it to encourage togetherness and nationalism.
Year Ender 2024: Be it Holi, Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali or Eid, festival dates in India caused confusion in 2024 due to lunar and regional variations. Here's what happened and what to expect in 2025.
In the rich tapestry of Hindu tradition, Sankashta Chaturthi emerges as a pivotal day, dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the deity revered for removing obstacles and heralding new beginnings. This ...
Allahabad became a hub of political activities and the Kumbh Mela would become a platform for staging nationalist sentiments through religious activities.
Devotees celebrate Vinayaka Chaturthi by worshipping Lord Ganesha to overcome challenges and hardships in life. It is believed that observing a fast and offering prayers to Lord Ganesha on this ...