It has been adapted into two notable anime versions: Nippon Animation’s 1999-2001 series and Madhouse’s modern retelling from 2011 to 2014. The story follows Gon Freecss, a determined boy who becomes ...
India collapsed late on Day 2 in MCG Test Virat Kohli was booed by the fans after the Konstas incident The batter nearly got into a confrontation with fans at the venue India batter Virat Kohli nearly ...
No is a complete sentence, even in response to a supposedly nice gesture. Dear Eric: I have a friend who is an angry and impatient driver. On a recent trip, he was the driver, and it was a very ...
Anthony Trice, 32, was sentenced to 20 years in prison Luke Chinman is an editorial intern at PEOPLE. He joined PEOPLE in 2024. His work has previously appeared in The Berkshire Eagle and Luxe ...
A 12-year-old boy and six-year-old girl lost both of their parents in Hat Yai district, Thailand's Songkhla province, when a drunk customer fired several shots into a restaurant. The family were ...
BERLIN-The German government faced growing questions on Dec 22 about whether more could have been done to prevent the Christmas market car-ramming attack that killed five people and injured more ...
Clearly frustrated he explained his mood in a post-match press conference, clearly angry that the lower-ranked Nijman went into the match as favourite. ‘Honestly, the media attention that Wessel ...