Are you suffering from fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, lack of concentration, looking pale, getting soreness of mouth with cracks at the corners or craving for non food items like dirt, paper, ice?
Haem, the iron-porphyrin pigment of red meat, induces cytotoxicity of gut contents and damages the colon surface epithelium. Compensatory hyperproliferation leads to epithelial hyperplasia which ...
So unless you have some of that in your meal, that iron isn't going in." This is because, as Mazzoni explains, "non haem iron (plant-based iron) is harder to absorb that haem iron (animal protein).
Major pathways of iron utilisation and production of iron-containing proteins include iron sulphur cluster biosynthesis, haem synthesis and storage within ferritin. The main site of iron absorption is ...
Red meat has been a part of diets worldwide since early man. It is an excellent source of protein, vitamins (such as B vitamins) and minerals (such as iron and zinc).
Biocatalysis is the chemical process through which enzymes or other biological catalysts perform reactions between organic components. Biocatalysis has been used widely in the pharmaceutical ...
Red meat is a great source of iron. But some studies have shown long-term iron intake or iron overload, particularly haem iron (iron from animal-based sources), may increase the risk of type 2 ...
According to celebrity dietician Nicole Andrews, sugar does not directly cause cancer or increase cancer cells. However he warns that excessive consumption can lead to health issues ...