Shares in vaccine developers jumped on Tuesday after the US reported its first human death from the H5 strain of bird flu. Moderna’s stock rose 6 per cent, Novavax gained more than 12 per cent and ...
The Game Awards 2024 began on December 12, with the show being streamed live at 4:30 p.m. PT / 7:30 p.m. ET / 12:30 a.m. GMT. You can use the embedded YouTube livestream link above to watch the full ...
The U.S. military flew six of the injured to Phoenix for treatment on Saturday because Hawaii’s lone burn unit doesn’t have enough capacity to care for all the victims.
Every year the U.S. egg industry kills about 350 million male chicks because, while the fuzzy little animals are incredibly cute, they will never lay eggs, so have little monetary value.