He said visits to fever clinics in Henan province peaked on 19 December "after which it showed a continuous downward trend". The Henan provincial figures are in stark contrast to Covid figures ...
Authorities in China's Henan province say they will start releasing money to customers who have had their funds frozen by several rural banks. The announcement came just a day after a rare protest ...
1月6日,河南省政府新闻办公室召开新闻发布会。河南省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长黄东升在发布会上表示,刚刚过去的2024年,是河南省文化和旅游消费不断升温升级的一年,全省接待游客量首次突破10亿人次、旅游综合收入首次突破1万亿元。文化旅游业链条长、综合带动作用大,对于扩内需、促消费意义重大。今年一季度,适逢“春节”申遗成功,叠加8天假期,预计全省文旅消费市场将会进一步“走高”。(中文来源/大河网 ...
Thirty-nine people have been held responsible for a coal and gas explosion in Pingdingshan, Henan province, that left 16 people dead and five injured, according to a report by the public WeChat ...
[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn] Four generations of the Zhang family have watched the archaeological excavation of the Yinxu Ruins in Xiaotun village of Anyang, Henan province. Their story ...
Named "Jianghan Ping'an", this machine is the largest and most advanced double-shield hard rock TBM designed for water diversion projects in China. It boasts a diameter of 11.93 meters, a total length ...