在多元化的交流环境中,理解不同文化背景下的语言表达至关重要。当老外问你“Do you have a family”,这句话背后的含义远比你想象的要丰富。 字面理解 :表面上看,“Do you have a ...
之前,对我来说不管是《PNAS》还是《Nature》子刊上的一些文章,都是一开始写的时候就是想好是往这些刊物投稿了。从写作开始,就是按照它的风格来的,很少出现改一改投经济学期刊的想法。这个选择我觉得是基于话题重要性和实效性。如果我觉得这个事情很重要, ...
Weyand: And a smaller proportion, around 6 percent, were iron-deficient and anemic, because iron deficiency is kind of a spectrum, where you can be iron-deficient for quite some time and then kind of ...
The answer is Li Xiaopeng, Olympic Gymnastics Champion and International Gymnastics Hall of Fame Member. He won a total of 16 world titles in his career, surpassing the "Prince of Gymnastics" Li Ning, ...
To load this page, please enable JavaScript, or try a different browser Your opinions, comments and suggestions are always welcome. Please use the form below to send ...
Swamp Notes is mixed by Samantha Giovinco and produced by Ethan Plotkin, Sonja Hutson, Lauren Fedor and Marc Filippino. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is ...
“How many times do I have to tell you to believe,open your eyes and you will see the possibilities……”(我要告诉你多少次才足够使你相信,睁开眼你就看得到无尽可能……)伴随一曲《The Glow》,闵行区虹桥镇的金虹桥时装队正精神抖擞地排练着《花开金虹桥》。提胯、挺胸、手臂摆动……队员们的身姿又飒又美 ...
Keeping global warming within 1.5°C is increasingly challenging. Adair Turner, Chair of the Energy Transitions Commission, ...
Psychologically, every choice you make can be considered a trade-off because every time you make a choice, you are giving up other choices, knowingly or unwittingly.