Today, you likely often authenticate or pay for things with a tap, either using a chip in your card, or with your phone, or maybe even with your watch or a Yubikey. Now, imagine doing all these ...
There are some module libraries,SSD1306,MPL3115A2,MPU6050, GPS , Software I2C,Uart and PWM etc. Software I2C interface library. Does not use any platform-specific code, and has a much simpler API than ...
I2C is a two-wire, bidirectional bus protocol that enables effective communication between one master (or multiple masters) and one or more slave devices. It is a straightforward, half-Duplex, ...
To the ceramic he’s fitted a thermistor, which sits in the gate bias circuit of a MOSFET. The MOSFET in turn operates a relay which supplies mains power to the iron. Temperature regulation comes ...