In the season finale of Mountain Men, which aired on December 26, 2024, viewers witnessed rookie musher Lauro Eklund’s relentless pursuit to complete the grueling Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
It also sought approval of the Tribe’s lease of the land from the Ondola family, but in 2018, the Department issued a decision against the Tribe and concluded that the property did not ...
During his first term, Trump led Republicans into the longest government shutdown in history during the 2018 Christmas season, and interrupted the holidays in 2020 by tanking a bipartisan COVID ...
CASCADE -- Several changes are coming to the Idaho Sled Dog Challenge in late January and early February as the Iditarod qualifier marks its seventh annual run in 2025. The most significant difference ...
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - A district court judge has ruled in favor of the family of a man killed in a 2018 standoff with Anchorage Police. Police arrived at the Muldoon residence of 66-year-old ...
Dan Demott died Nov. 5, 2018 when he hid in a freezing, flooded crawlspace during a standoff in which Anchorage police bombarded his house with tear gas and other "less lethal" weapons.
NOME, Alaska (CN) – Age won out in the final leg of the 1,000-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on Tuesday afternoon as Mitch Seavey crossed first under the famed burled arch on Nome’s Front Street ...