New Era Helium Inc. (Nasdaq: NEHC), an exploration and production (E&P) company sourcing helium produced in association with natural gas reserves within the Permian Basin visits the Nasdaq ...
This deal with Wiepking-Fullerton Energy (WFE) and several other parties grants the company the option to purchase either WFE’s helium assets; or WFE’s entire asset portfolio in Lincoln and Cheyene ...
Magna Petra has developed a technology to extract helium 3 from lunar soil that “promises energy efficient isotope extraction and collection with minimal impact to the lunar surface.” ...
But Helium One has discovered gas and is now in ... In my opinion, this is a bit like offering an energy supplier a share of your house in return for waiving an electricity bill.
As global energy needs continue to rise to the challenge, terrestrial assets are under tremendous strain. But one unconventional solution could be out of this world or somewhat out of this atmosphere.