Juniper Communities' Green Canopy Initiative sets a new standard for environmental responsibility and can serve as a blueprint for others on how to thrive while minimizing environmental impact.
Plant hormones, also known as phytohormones, are chemicals that regulate plant cell processes. They are signal molecules produced within the plant functioning in extremely low concentrations. Here ...
Old-growth juniper trees are a symbol of the American West. Their ancient and gnarled trunks and branches twist into haunting shapes immortalized in photos by Ansel Adams. East of Bend ...
Snapdragons He advised: "These cheerful blooms are robust and ready for planting out in a cool greenhouse now, so you can enjoy early summer colour." Expert tip: Pinch out the tips of young snapdragon ...
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Brother Juniper’s hosted its free annual Christmas feast, drawing in a big crowd. The popular breakfast spot in the University area, opened its doors to those in need.
Even if you aren’t familiar with the term conifer, you certainly know many types, such as spruces, pines, junipers, and firs. You see them when buying plants for your landscape and purchasing ...