Juniper Communities' Green Canopy Initiative sets a new standard for environmental responsibility and can serve as a blueprint for others on how to thrive while minimizing environmental impact.
Formerly a traffic policeman in Riyadh, but native to Soudah, Ahmed fell into environmental conservation by chance. Raised in a family with livestock herds, he had learned to take care of goats since ...
It’s time for Texans to brace for ‘cedar fever’ season once again. Cedar fever is an allergic reaction to the pollen released by mountain cedar trees and, unfortunately, you don’t ...
The famed pygmy hippo even received an upgraded zoo enclosure from Canadian cryptocurrency billionaire Vitalik Buterin, who donated more than $290,000 to Moo Deng’s zoo in Thailand so he could be her ...
La Brea Tar Pits scientists have successfully identified a previously unknown species to Southern California through fossilized seeds. This discovery sheds light on a drought-driven dance between two ...
Watermelon is a juicy treat, no matter what time of year. For those who grow the cucurbit crop, there are plenty of watermelon varieties to choose from. But which is the best fit for your farm?