The profit stood at Rs 319.6 crore in the same quarter a year ago. Sequentially, net profit grew 0.9% from Rs 336.2 crore.
It has been widely reported that China has approved the construction of the world’s largest hydropower dam in Tibet on the ...
The Medog Dam in southeastern Tibet will be built across the Brahmaputra river and is expected to generate an incredible 300 ...
The Medog Dam will be built across the Brahmaputra river and is expected to generate an enormous 300 billion kilowatt-hours ...
A gigantic hydroelectric project is predicted to provide power for more than 300 million homes when it is completed - but it ...
Sources told CNN-News that by building the dam, China intends to end the Tibet issue, weaponise water, and gain control over ...
The India-China conversation on water has, over the years, merely skimmed the surface, unable, and often unwilling, to wade ...
India’s concerns over the mega dam include Chinese control over the flow of water to India, threat to ecological balance and ...
Within a week after the 23rd meeting of the Special Representatives of India and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the latter’s actions went against the letter and spirit of the meeting. It was ...
BEIJING - Tibet was struck with a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on Tuesday, one of the most powerful tremors in recent years, that hit the northern foothills of the Himalayas, killing at least 95 people.
The largest earthquake in the Lhasa block since 1950. The Lhasa block, bounded by fault-lines, forms southern Tibet. The ...