“The Karnival Kid,” Mickey Mouse short. This 1929 short, Mickey Mouse’s ninth, was the first in which the character wore his trademark white gloves — all the better not to leave any ...
This team making the run it did was improbable — doing it while star quarterback Kuris Rourke had a torn ACL seems borderline impossible, but that's apparently what happened, according to Tom ...
MIAMI - A South Florida family is heartbroken and seeking justice after a 10-year-old girl was killed by a stray bullet on New Year's Day. According to police, Yanelis Munuguia was with her family ...
Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Yaneliz Munguia was struck by a bullet in the back of the head after “celebratory gunfire” erupted in the early hours of Wednesday at a home ...
Moments later, Nunes, described by friends as a generous and gregarious man, was dying in Dillon’s arms, the victim of an apparent stray bullet that may have come from the Wilton Manors side of ...
Stephen Bunting, also nicknamed The Bullet, was born on April 9, 1985. Bunting is an English professional darts player who plays in Professional Darts Corporation events. As of January 2025 ...
HIALEAH - A New Year's Day celebration turned tragic when a 10-year-old girl was struck and killed by a stray bullet in Northwest Miami-Dade. According to police, Yanelis Munuguia was with her ...
The new bullet train, The CR450, is significantly faster than the CR400 Fuxing high-speed rail (HSR) currently in service, which operates at speeds of 350 kmph. China on Sunday unveiled a high ...
Marguerita O’Rourke (née Sheridan), aged 21, from a well-known family in the west County Limerick town, died after a van collided with a set of gates she was standing beside, on December 21.
Marguerita O’Rourke (née Sheridan), from a well-known Traveller family in the west County Limerick town, died after a van collided with a set of gates she was standing beside, on December 21 last.
I’ve been a fan of IndyCar for most of my life, worked in it across a variety of team and media roles for four decades, and seen just about everything of interest that’s taken place since the 1980s.