William Thibeau, the Director of the American Military Project at the Claremont Center for the American Way of Life, speaks with Tom Klingenstein about how "woke" racial quotas and gender ideology are ...
Most of the attachments on the M7 are similar to what you may encounter on assault rifles, like the M4A1 and the SG552. The barrel of choice is the M7 Tidal Ultra-Long Barrel Combo to maximize Range ...
Approximately 11,500 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year and, sadly, roughly 4,000 women will succumb to the disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But ...
It is presumed that the Malice persona remained within the Raider’s mind. She likely perished when the Invisible Woman threw the Dark Raider into the Distortion Area of the Negative Zone, and the ...