To prevent drowning your peace lily, use a chunky potting mix that is fast draining. Be sure your container has a drainage ...
Water them about once a week, letting the top inch of soil dry out between waterings. Too much water can cause root rot, so ...
It can be tricky to get a non-blooming peace lily to flower, but there are lots of ways to encourage the houseplant.
Brown-tipped leaves on a peace lily can be a sign that your plant is not getting enough water. The first sign your peace lily is thirsty will be yellowing and wilting leaves. By the time the ...
This is why the most ideal temperature for a peace lily to thrive is between 20C to 25C (68-77F). "And not lower than 18C," Lucia cautioned. "Make sure you keep your peace lily between these ...
This is why the most ideal temperature for a peace lily to thrive is between 20C to 25C (68-77F). "And not lower than 18C," she warned. "Make sure you keep your peace lily between these ...
Sometimes the peace lily will not bloom its beautiful white flowers because something is wrong. Thankfully, one expert has ...
A beautiful peace lily, known for its distinctive white petal-like spathes that stand tall above glossy green leaves, can unfortunately turn brown if it's not happy. "Very dry air can cause leaf ...