Potassium is a mineral needed for vital bodily functions. But people with kidney disease may need to know which high potassium foods to avoid. Here we discuss how to create such a diet. If you ...
Graduate Program in Materials Science, Federal University of São Carlos─UFSCar, 18052-780 Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil Technological College of Sorocaba─Fatec, 18013-280 Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil ...
The first and largest of its kind: a 30 MW, pure-hydrogen electrical generator called the Jupiter One just completed its first successful full-system test. The Jupiter One is the most powerful and ...
Futurology A new study has unveiled a discovery beneath the Earth's surface: a vast reservoir of hydrogen that could potentially reshape the global energy landscape. Scientists estimate that ...
Green hydrogen has been touted by politicians and business leaders alike as a key fuel for a carbon-free future. But it will remain far more expensive than previously thought for decades to come ...
Methods for determining the amount of needed fertilizer and applying it. Organic and inorganic phosphorus sources. How fertilizers are manufactured and how crops respond to them. How crop type, ...
Hydrogen is increasingly taking centre stage as nations and industries launch action plans to reduce carbon emissions and meet urgent climate targets. This naturally occurring gas, abundant yet ...
A China-based firm has achieved a groundbreaking feat by successfully igniting the world’s first 30MW-class pure hydrogen gas turbine. Called Jupiter I, the gas turbine is jointly developed by ...
i) Enthalpy of dissolution of Copper Sulphate or Potassium Nitrate ... iii) Determination of enthaply change during interaction (Hydrogen bond formation) between Acetone and Chloroform.