Set in the world of Disney’s animated “The Princess and the Frog” film, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure attraction takes guests on a journey that unfolds after the events of the original film.
Anika Noni Rose "cannot believe" how time has flown since The Princess and the Frog premiered on Dec. 11, 2009. In a recent interview with PEOPLE about her first children’s book, Tiana’s ...
Firstly, it was the first Disney animation to feature an African-American heroine, and that wasn’t the only thing unique about Princess Tiana. While traditional Disney princesses had been ...
as she recently looked back at the emotional first steps she took to be Princess Tiana, revealing why her final audition for the role brought her to tears, in a good way. I just couldn't believe it.
For the second time in a matter of days, Princess Tiana’s animatronic on Tiana’s Bayou Adventure has “died.” According to reports, the advanced audio-animatronic, which normally sings and ...
Princess Tiana recently “died” in front of Disneyland Resort guests in an incident captured on a social media video. The final Disney Princess animatronic in the Tiana’s Bayou Adventure ...
Cinderella loses her shoe more than once in the film ... but is not yet on the official list of princesses. Disney Princess Tiana made her debut in the movie The Princess And The Frog.
Related: 3 ways Disney is becoming a more magical, inclusive place to visit and work On Nov. 15, that "new path" led to the opening of Tiana's Bayou Adventure at Disneyland, a ride based on the 2009 ...