Daily walks are not just a regular activity—they're essential to maintaining your dog's physical and emotional well-being.
This vegetable is familiar to all of us, yet it doesn't often find its way into our dishes. It's a pity, as this natural ...
Adding fig seed oil to your evening skincare routine is especially helpful during the winter when your skin needs extra love.
Dermatitis. 2006;17(4):165-181. There are very few randomized controlled trials that have evaluated treatments of hand dermatitis in general. [61] A review of published trials that involved the ...
或洗净直接干燥。 【化学成分】:根、根茎含多种香豆精类化合物,含欧前胡素(imperatorin)、补骨脂内酯(psoralen)。佛手内酯、圆当归内酯-7-0-β-龙胆二糖甙(oosthenol-7-0-β-gentio-bioside)等多种香豆素,并含生物碱、淀粉、微量挥发油等。 【性 味】:甘、微苦 ...
Phototherapy can be extremely effective in some people, but its use is often limited by cost, availability, and convenience. Coal tar or light-sensitizing drugs like psoralen are sometimes used to ...
Psoralen + UVA (PUVA). This mixes a drug called psoralen with ultraviolet A (UVA) light. You can take psoralen by mouth or sit in a bath. It makes your skin more sensitive to light, which boosts ...
UVA irradiation after the administration of a photosensitizer (psoralen) by the oral route, in bathwater, or as a cream (PUVA) is highly effective. Systemic treatment plays a role mainly for ...