On Thursday, Judge Mark Urioste sentenced Barrientos-Perez to 500 years 4 months to life, and Randolfo Vasquez to 485 years to life after a nearly six-week trial, prosecutors said.
Wichita police are investigating what they call ‘several promising leads’ after recent burglaries in the riverside area. Faith Laudermilk lives in the ...
Optical sensors are a broad class of device for detecting light intensity. This can be just a simple component for notifying when ambient light levels rise above or fall below a prescribed level ...
Cats are natural hunters, and one of the animals they love to hunt are birds.” Avoid touching sick or dead birds yourself. Thoroughly wash your hands after handling poultry or animals.
as doing the acid tunnel first gives you a easier way in over stealthing the main base area. However, you could also argue that handing the Ward Sensors to Zotov is better in the long run as you ...
“I felt sick,” she said. “I haven’t eaten for four days, I haven’t been able to sleep, and I’m working 12-hour days cleaning, trying to make it up to pay my mortgage.” She said she ...
It really does feel like everyone’s getting sick right now. And the numbers back that up. We talked to Dr. David Weber, an infectious disease specialist at the UNC School of Medicine ...
Experts say it’s better to spit out excess mucus when you’re sick, but there’s no harm in swallowing it. Respiratory viruses are spreading across the United States, and the Centers for ...
What is statutory sick pay (SSP)? Statutory sick pay, or SSP, is the minimum you must legally be paid if you're off sick from work. SSP is paid to employees of companies in the UK, who are off sick ...