In the various Transformers anime, cartoons, games, comics and movies, Starscream has had plenty of great designs worthy of ...
Transformers: Prime broke all the rules with its zombie robots, in an homage to horror comedy The Return of the Living Dead.
Optimus takes the lead, going into vehicle mode and grabbing Sam in his truck cabin; a short chase leads to a forest, where Optimus is forced to defend Sam against Megatron, Starscream ...
Starscream leads Megatron into the sewers claiming ... After his death, he is revived by Unicron, who proceeds to possess his body. Throughout the movie, Megatron is constantly fighting Unicron ...
Just like Starscream was to Megatron. Cyclonus transforms into a space jet but has not had much play in other media apart from the comics. However, as a character created by Unicron, it shows just ...