A powerful new tool comes online this year that could help astronomers locate the mysterious planet hiding somewhere beyond ...
“Because Pluto is rotating rapidly prior to the collision, and because Charon lies mostly outside of their corotation zone, ...
Pluto, considered the ninth planet in our solar system until it was reclassified to dwarf planet status in 2006, is thought to have undergone an impact that broke off the largest of its five moons ...
Astronomers believe that our solar system may still hold surprises, with ongoing efforts to find a hidden ninth planet ... Batygin have been working on the theory since 2014, inspired by Sheppard ...
Researchers Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown identified the planet’s presence through computer simulations and mathematical models, although they haven’t yet observed it directly. “This would truly ...
In a new feature on AZoQuantum, we speak with Associate Professor Kate Brown and Theoretical Physicist Harsh Mathur about their research investigating Modified Newtonian Dynamics and its implications ...
New models reveal Pluto and Charon may have spent some of their early history locked together in an embrace after a grazing ...
But I think this is also a great moment to pause and—maybe for folks whose immediate reaction to Planet Nine is something like “We already have a ninth planet. It’s Pluto. How dare they?”— ...
In a groundbreaking paper published in an American science journal, Batygin reveals that we could be on the brink of finding this elusive new planet. However, the final proof lies in the hands of ...