Former started two lengths behind and finished level. Santorino (Pavan), Tripitaka (Rozario) 1-39.5, 1,200/1-25.5, 1,000/1-12.5, 600/46. Former put up a good display while the latter joined at 1 ...
This has reference to the article from the Aircraft Owners and Operators Sri Lanka, titled ‘Closer look at regulatory oversight and its impact on Tourism’, published on Tuesday, 24th December 2024.To ...
Former finished five lengths ahead. Hyperdrive (Pavan), Tripitaka (Rozario) 1-13.5, 600/44. Former finished three lengths ahead. 1200m: Mazal Tov (Aleemuddin) 1-29, 1,000/1-12, 600/44. In fine shape.
A criminally underrated game came out back in 2010 called Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, developed by Ninja Theory, and follows a man named Monkey as he gets his companion Tripitaka back to her ...
Yesterday FBI director Christopher Wray announced that he will resign his position rather than force the next president to fire him. His decision is weak, misguided, and self-defeating. In order to be ...
Local media said that the Tripitaka Sutta recitation will run for ten days, during which the teachings of Lord Buddha are recited. Followers of the Theravada sect of Buddhism consider the ...
The Ministry of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs has decided to write the ‘Buddha Jayanti edition of ‘Tripitaka’ book series, which has been declared as a national heritage, in English and ...