said "dragging marks" from an aging tanker's anchor had been found beneath the Baltic Sea near the cables, Reuters reported. "The track is dozens of kilometers in length," Paila said. Germany's ...
We expect USB-C cables to perform a specific task: transferring either data or files between devices. We give little more thought to the matter, but malicious USB-C cables can do much more than ...
P82B715 I2C 总线扩展器的应用电路,用于将标准 I2C 总线信号连接至长达 30m 的双绞线电缆。 P82B715 基于最早的已知尝试,即使用发射极跟随器来扩展 I2C 总线的范围,以增加总线接收能力,从而创建可支持大电容的低阻抗总线 欢迎加入EEWorld参考设计群,也许能 ...