万万没想到,能把一家公司网站给搞宕机的元凶,竟然是OpenAI疯狂爬虫的机器人—— GPTBot (GPTBot是OpenAI早年前推出的一款工具,用来自动抓取整个互联网的数据) 。 就在这两天,一家7人团队公司 (Triplegangers) ...
robots.txt也称为机器人排除协议,是为了告诉搜索引擎网站在索引网络时不要爬取哪些内容而创建的。 也就是说,一个网站要是不想被OpenAI爬虫,那就必须正确配置robots.txt文件,并带有特定标签,明确告诉GPTBot不要访问该网站。
China's foreign trade, particularly exports of mechanical and electrical products, along with its resilient supply chains, will be pivotal in curbing global inflation and driving the green ...
QINGDAO, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- A carbon fiber metro train, dubbed CETROVO 1.0, began passenger service on Friday in the port city of Qingdao in east China's Shandong Province.