In a five-minute speech that was posted overnight, Mark Zuckerberg announced a libertarian shift to take place on Meta platforms Instagram and Facebook. In the speech Zuckerberg came out strongly ...
Many of Australia’s federal and state politicians received a pay increase this year. The federal pollies received a 3.5% rise from the start of the current financial year. That means $230,000 for the ...
The provocative saga of MONA’s Ladies Lounge continues and is perhaps reaching climax with the announcement of their legal win, the show re-opening, an upcoming party, and, a new fragrance ‘The ...
Recently a table from a report on grade inflation at Yale has been circulating on social media. The table shows the number of students earning an A across various programs of study. As you can see, ...
At 8.46 am on the morning of 13 November, insurance and absence management software provider Fineos (ASX: FCL) released a presentation to the ASX, which was not marked “market sensitive.” When trade ...