Boe Spearim, a Gamilaraay, Kooma, and Marrawarri radio host has brought out a groundbreaking podcast series, Frontier Wars Stories, which is dedicated to truth-telling about the side of Australia ...
Welcome back to all the Workers’ Weekly readers. We will have to fight for a better year for all ensuring that workers don’t pay for the crisis. The Morrison government will do its best to pass the ...
During a recent Senate Estimates the Australian government released its official response to the report on the Purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support ...
During a recent Senate Estimates the Australian government released its official response to the report on the Purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support ...
Here in Adelaide at the Workers’ Library there is a special section devoted to peace while the venue itself, now known widely as Fidel’s, has ...
Over 50,000 students attempted the Victorian Certificate of Education year 12 exams this year. Supervising them is an important task for the Victorian Curriculum and ...
Little was said about the horrendous consequences of the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and the tens of thousands of Afghan lives that were lost, and the wreckage and chaos that was left behind ...
Indigenous communities across Canada and throughout North America are reeling following the disclosure last week that the remains of at least 215 children, some as young as three years old, have been ...
The main threat to peace comes from a raging US imperialism, which has made clear in words and actions that it has no need for... Such are the festering contradictions in capitalism’s deepening crisis ...
This publication contains the full text of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels with early drafts by Engels and other supplementary material. It has a very useful introduction by ...
Indigenous communities across Canada and throughout North America are reeling following the disclosure last week that the remains of at least 215 children, some as young as three years old, have been ...