A diploma/certificate in a relevant discipline combined with proven relevant experience; Knowledge of the Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting system would be an asset; Experience working with an ...
Plains Cree and Inuktitut versions follow. TREATY 1 TERRITORY, WINNIPEG, Man. — APTN and Sportsnet are proud to team up once again to bring NHL hockey back to APTN and now to APTN Languages, expanding ...
Stephanie Willsey is Chippewa from Rama First Nation in southern Ontario. She brings a rich blend of legal expertise and community involvement to APTN’s board of directors. Stephanie works as an ...
Luisa Frate brings over a decade of experience in finance, technology and operations to APTN’s board of directors. She is a chartered professional accountant and holds a bachelor of commerce from ...
Born and raised in Winnipeg, Man., Kimberley (Kim) Overly is of Ukrainian/Dutch descent. She joined APTN in 2008 as a traffic coordinator, a position she held for many years before becoming a human ...
Fier de soutenir la mission d’APTN, Evan Woods travaille dans le service de la programmation du réseau en tant que gestionnaire des contrats et de la documentation. Il est également auteur et est ...
Proud to support APTN’s mission, Evan Woods works in the network’s programming department as manager of contracts and documentation. He is also a published author with a master’s degree from the ...
Born and raised on Treaty 9 territory in Chapleau, Ont., Jennifer David is of mixed Irish, French, Anishinaabe and Ininew ancestry. She is a proud member of Chapleau Cree First Nation. After high ...
Aux heures de grande écoute, la programmation d’APTN attire un public fidèle avec ses séries accrocheuses et ses productions canadiennes de haute qualité. Regardez les moments forts de quelques-unes ...
Les racines d’un réseau de télévision autochtone national remontent à plus de 30 ans. Aujourd’hui, APTN partage avec la population canadienne et les téléspectateur·trice·s du monde entier des ...