Paternity Benefit is a payment for employed and self-employed people who are on paternity leave from work and covered by social insurance (PRSI). It is paid for 2 weeks and is available for any child ...
Addiction is when you cannot stop doing, taking or using something even when it can be harmful to you. You can be addicted to many activities or substances including gambling, drugs, alcohol, and ...
The Additional Needs Payment is a payment to help you with an expense that you cannot pay from your weekly income or other sources (for example savings). You may get an Additional Needs Payment if you ...
Jobseeker's Benefit is a weekly payment from the Department of Social Protection (DSP) to people who are out of work and are covered by social insurance (PRSI). If you don't qualify for Jobseeker's ...
Auto-enrolment is a new pension savings scheme for certain employees who are not paying into a pension. They will be automatically included in the scheme but can opt out after 6 months. The ...
The Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) is a social housing support provided by your local authority. It supports people who have a long-term housing need. If you are on HAP, your local authority pays ...
We use Google Analytics to measure how you use the website so we can improve it. We have configured Google Analytics to anonymise your IP address so that you are not personally identified. We gather ...
It is generally only possible to claim one social welfare assistance or insurance based payment at a time. However, in certain circumstances you may qualify for your social welfare payment and half of ...
When you end a relationship by judicial separation, divorce or dissolution, the court can decide to share your pension with your former partner and (or) any dependent children. This is called a ...
If you live in Ireland and are getting a social welfare payment, you may be able to choose the method by which you are paid. You should check with the Department of Social Protection (DSP) the payment ...
Junior Cycle examinations are held at the end of the Junior Cycle in post-primary schools. The written examinations take place in June of the third year of the Junior Cycle. You can get information ...