Au moins huit personnes sont mortes après de fortes pluies au Brésil, qui ont aussi laissé plus d’un million de foyers sans ...
24.300 foyers fiscaux seront « effectivement redevables » de la « contribution temporaire et exceptionnelle » visant pour ...
The warrant was issued after a French court on Friday handed former Australian rugby star Rocky Elsom, 41, a five-year jail sentence for forgery and embezzlement of around 700,000 euros during his ...
The body of a young woman who fell from a cruise ship near the UK island of Alderney, off the coast of Normandy, was retrieved from the sea early Saturday morning by a French search and rescue team ...
The now closed online chat forum Coco, where Dominique Pelicot recruited men to rape his wife Gisèle after he secretly administered her drugs that rendered her unconcious, was cited in more than ...
Members of the organising committee of the Paris Olympics have denied accusations that Céline Dion mimed a pre-recorded performance of Édith Piaf’s Hymne à l’amour, and that it had been tweaked in a ...
Neuf personnes ont été tuées samedi dans des raids israéliens sur deux villages au nord et au sud de Beyrouth, hors des fiefs ...