Consensus is building that catalysing significant private sector investment will be essential to deliver the UK’s ...
Businesses in the UK are urged to start preparing now for quantum resilience against cyber risks and ensure data and privacy protection, as quantum technologies continue to advance apace. This is the ...
Market participants including financial institutions will need to take care in how they structure securitisation transactions if they want those transactions to comply with both UK and EU ...
The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has reiterated its expectations for firms to maintain robust systems and controls for identifying and remediating fraud, addressing expectations for ...
New legislation supporting workers in industries directly impacted by the energy transition will soon take effect in Australia. The Net Zero Economy Authority Bill 2024 (Cth) (NZEA Bill), which ...
A decision recently handed down by the Controller of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks in Ireland highlights the importance of carefully assessing the similarities between trade marks and the potential ...
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Das Justizstandortstärkungsgesetz wurde im Bundesgesetzesblatt veröffentlicht und tritt am 1. April 2025 in Kraft. Somit steht der Einrichtung von Commercial Courts bei den Oberlandesgerichten nichts ...