Writing Intensive (WI) courses embrace the responsibility to prepare students for the writing tasks they will encounter as their intellectual careers at Smith unfold. Accordingly, first-year students ...
Writing-intensive learning recognizes two key ideas: first, that writing is more than just essays written for grades, and second, that writing is different in different disciplines. When you think of ...
Writing Intensive (WI) instructors can benefit from understanding what students have learned in their University Writing Seminar (UWS), a topic-based writing course that every Brandeis student takes ...
RIT's Writing Intensive structure attempts to embed courses rich in writing throughout the curriculum of each program, providing students with writing-to-learn opportunities within their disciplines ...
All academic disciplines use writing to develop ideas and communicate for specific purposes and audiences. The Writing Intensive (WI) course requirement at SUNY Cortland asks students to practice ...
Writing-intensive courses (designated "W") are offered as one of the requirements for graduation with a Bachelor's degree at SFU. W courses fulfil the following conditions: 1) use of writing as a way ...
For this article, we are focused on our RIT context of First-year Writing (FYW) and Writing-Intensive (WI) instructors who are interested in exploring theoretical frameworks for the use of generative ...