2017年8月20日 · I had a texas heat in it for a while. That was great but this amp and the scorpion seem made for each other. Amp still had all the old original tubes when I got it. Peavey labelled Sylvania STR-387s. Peavey labelled "made in USA" 12at7 and no label 12ax7s that turned out to be Tungsram. I retubed it but most of the old ones are good.
2020年2月5日 · You are supposed to run a 12AX7 in the PI slot. The only 12AT7 spec'd for the OR15 is in the effects loop. I run a NOS Millard in V1, Tungsram V2 and EI in V3. For EL84's I use NOS Mullards. IF you like extra punch I recommend JJ …