对珍珠层生长结构的研究现状与发展趋势予以了综述和讨论。 Several kinds of preparing processes of the titania coated mica based nacreous pigment are discussed. 制备出金红石型钛含量较高的云母钛珠光颜料。
贝壳珍珠层作为一种典型得生物矿化材料而备受关注。 A brief introduction is given on the history, major types, characteristics, and uses of nacreous pigments. 本文简述了珠光颜料得主要类型及特性。 nacreous的近反义词 nacreous的近义词
英文: Renae Baker, a scientist with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, snapped this picture of a rare nacreous cloud on July 25 at the country's Antarctic Mawson station. 中文: 雷纳·贝克是澳洲气象署的一位科学家。他在7.25日拍下了这张罕见的珍珠光泽的片。 更详细...