in perceiving code quality during software development. RETIC-ULA compares the quality metrics for a project (or a single class) under development in the IDE with those of similar open source systems (classes) previously analyzed. With the visualized results, developers can gain insights about the quality of their code.
Chest radiographs are nonspecific, showing reticular or nodular opacities , or consolidation, often with a lower lobe predominance. 胸 片 表现 无 特 异性, 可以 是 网状 、 结节 状 阴影 或 实 变 影, 常 以下 肺 为主。 3. I learned about the organs and the inner workings of the body in class but nobody told me about the reticular activation system.
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3 种含义: → See reticulum 1. any fine network, esp one in the body composed of cells, fibres, etc 2. the second compartment of the stomach of.... 点击查看更多定义。
2007年11月24日 · reticulum (re·tic·u·lum) (rə-tik´u-ləm) pl. retic´ula [L., dim. of rete net] 1. a network, especially a protoplasmic network in cells, as the flattened double membrane sheets of the endoplasmic reticulum. 2. reticular tissue. 3. the second stomach of a ruminant; its mucous membranes are covered with many small pockets. Called also honeycomb.