2024年11月27日 · スギ sugi [Japanese]; 柳杉 liu shan [Chinese]; sugi, Cryptomeria, Japanese cedar. In the USA it is most often called Cryptomeria. Taxonomic notes. The genus is Cryptomeria D. Don, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1: 233. 1838. There is one species with two varieties, distinguished by range and by morphological differences detailed below.
日本柳杉在日本及中國是一種廣泛套用的植林... 柳杉(松杉目杉科植物) 柳杉,拉丁學名Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk ex Otto et Dietr,又名長葉孔雀松。喬木,高達48米,胸徑可達2米多,樹冠狹圓錐形或圓錐形;樹皮紅棕色,纖維狀,裂... 柳杉屬. 柳杉屬,是常綠喬木。