The Ainu are an indigenous ethnic group who reside in northern Japan and southeastern Russia, including Hokkaido and the Tōhoku region of Honshu, as well as the land surrounding the Sea …
2016年10月4日 · The Ainu, also known as Aynu, are an indigenous people of Japan and Eastern Russia. According to recent research, the Ainu people originated from a merger of two other …
2013年11月8日 · In the past, the Ainu were proposed to be of Caucasian decent, given their appearance, but recently it has been proved through dental morphology and fingerprinting that …
The Ainu are an indigenous people who primarily inhabit the island of Hokkaido in Japan, but also live in the north of Honshu, Japan’s main island, and Sakhalin island in Russia. There are …
The Ainu and their origin have always been rather mysterious, with some people claiming that the Ainu are really Caucasian or proto-Caucasian - in other words, "white." At present, Brace's …
Ainu mythology with that of the Japanese, finding them quite distinct, and traced Ainu place-names throughout Japan. Dr. Neil Gordon Munro did a large amount of archaeological work, …
Scholarly interest in the Ainu began almost immediately following the Meiji Restoration of 1868, which permitted foreigners limited access to Japan's northern region. Moti-vated in part by …
2019年5月21日 · The Ainu look like Caucasian people, they have white skin, their hair is wavy and thick, their heads are mesocephalic (round) and a few have grey or blue eyes. However, …