Tattooing since 2010, I specialize in tattoo design inspired by ancient art and civilizations, and have a passion for ritual tattoos. I'm known for fine linework, crisp ornamental detail, as well as painterly color work and Celtic and Viking styles.
Artwork inspired by mythology, folklore, the surreal, occult, and otherworldly, shaped by my love of Celtic art and ancient cultures. This page highlights selected art and illustration projects, with links to portfolio galleries.
If you love Celtic myth and story, colorful art, or jewel-bright wearable enamel treasures, this is for you! Manannán mac Lir: Lord of the Otherworld and famed for his skills at magic, illusion, and traversing between realms.
Cover art and illustrations are by Valerie Herron of Mystic Media. Harp, Club, and Cauldron - A Harvest of Knowledge Edited by Lora O'Brien and Morpheus Ravenna.
Sign-up in the Banshee Arts booth in the Merchants area. Tattoo sessions will be available between about 10 am and 4 pm on the listed days. Contact: [email protected] | 831-234-7476 | | Cost: $180/hour / $100 flat rate for small pieces / Payment by cash or card
Tattooing is an ancient art form that for many people represents not just adornment of the body, but a ritual art that allows us to bless ourselves and celebrate our bodies, and inscribe our stories into our skin. Receiving a tattoo can be initiatory, healing, and empowering, helping us to live more authentically and be sovereign in our bodies.