Applicable to Bundled Service Customers eligible for service under Schedule TOU-GS-3, and TOU-EV-8. This Schedule is limited to Customers who agree to participate in the Real Time Pricing (RTP) program and is subject to meter availability.
What is TOU-GS-3 and are you eligible? Business customers with demand of 200 to 500 kilowatts (kW) are eligible for Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Rate Schedule TOU-GS-3. A monthly customer charge. Time-Of-Use (TOU) energy charges are the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy used in each TOU period.
What is TOU-GS-3 and are you eligible? Business customers with demand of 200 to 500 kilowatts (kW) are eligible for Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Rate Schedule TOU-GS-3. A monthly customer charge. Time-Of-Use (TOU) energy charges are the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy used in each TOU period.
What is TOU-GS-3 and are you eligible? Business customers with demand of 200 to 500 kilowatts (kW) are eligible for Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Rate Schedule TOU-GS-3. A monthly customer charge. Time-Of-Use (TOU) energy charges are the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy used in each TOU period.
Warning, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 or Transmission Emergency and (ii) has taken all necessary steps to prevent the further degradation of its operating resources according to Operating Procedure 4420;
What is TOU-GS-3 and are you eligible? Business customers with demand of 200 to 500 kilowatts (kW) are eligible for Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Rate Schedule TOU-GS-3. A monthly customer charge. Time-Of-Use (TOU) energy charges are the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy used in each TOU period.
On May 18, 1998, SCE began implementing dynamic load profiles in place of static profiles for residential (Domestic Single/Multiple), Small Commercial (GS-1), and medium commercial/industrial (GS-2) customers.
Time-of-Use General Service – Demand Metered (TOU-GS-3): This rate schedule is for large commercial and industrial customers with registered monthly demands of 200 kW to 500 kW, and includes a customer charge and energy charges that vary by season and time of use, with the highest rates during the on-peak hours of 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. summer weekda...
AL-2 LS-1 LS-1-ALLNITE LS-1 Street and Outdoor Lighting LS-2* LS-1 LS-3* LS-1 OL-1 LS-1 OL-1-ALLNITE LS-1 TC-1 TC-1 * SCE rates collapsed to the root level to simplify the presentation. For example, customers on the D-FERA-SDP-O rate should use the D-FERA rate for comparison to the CCA rate.