约 1,990,000 个结果
  1. How do I navigate up one directory from the terminal? - Ask Ubuntu

  2. Where can I get an Ubuntu Installation CD/DVD/USB?

  3. How do I cd into a directory in the home folder? - Ask Ubuntu

  4. cd.. and cd- commands not found - how do I use the cd …

  5. What's the difference between "cd ../" vs. "cd - Ask Ubuntu

  6. What does cd -- do? I used it and I'm now stuck in a directory

  7. How can I create a LiveCD/LiveDVD/LiveUSB? - Ask Ubuntu

  8. Why doesn't "cd" work in a shell script? - Ask Ubuntu

  9. bash - How can I undo the last cd command? - Ask Ubuntu

  10. How to navigate to C drive in bash on WSL-Ubuntu?