Does the author accomplish the purpose? The final results were reported to the congregation and to the program committees with the request that they begin to formulate specific plans to …
And he equips us with everything we need to accomplish that purpose. If a small but responsible group can accomplish that purpose, most pastors are ahead to let it remain there. Does the …
Incorporation of transparent panels and landscaping around the noise barriers may be considere d to accomplish this purpose. 要 達 致此目標,可 考慮採用透 明隔音板,並 在隔音屏障周 圍進行環境美 化 工 程。 [...] over other nations ensured the spread of the gospel. 为了实现全球布道阅读 的目的,帝 国主义的青睐,因为盎格鲁撒克逊人对其他国家的控制权扩展保证了福音的传播。 [...] Jewish Hellenists.
The agreement did not achieve the purpose for which it was intended. However, vaccines take much longer to achieve that purpose while hyperimmune globulin provides instant passive …