used to ask people to clap their hands to show their enjoyment or approval of a performance: Ladies and gentlemen, will you give it up for Danny Jones. 女士们,先生们,请以热烈的掌声 …
鼓掌,拍手(表示赞许或欣赏) to hit your open hands together several times to show that you approve of or have enjoyed sth The audience cheered and clapped. 观众又是喝彩又是鼓掌。
(鼓掌作为高兴的表达,作为引起注意的要求) (手を打って)人を呼ぶ、注意を引く The children were becoming noisy and hyperactive, and the teacher had to clap her hands loudly to get their attention.
to clap your hands repeatedly to show that you like or admire someone or have enjoyed a performance 鼓 ( 掌 ) The audience clapped and cheered when she stood up to speak .