约 1,990 个结果
"真的" vs "真地" to mean "really" - Chinese Language Stack …
Is there any different meaning between using 真 and 真的 in a …
grammar - Meaning of 的 in 真的? - Chinese Language Stack …
translation - What is the meaning of 真是的 - Chinese Language …
的确, 确实, 实在, and 真正: what's the difference?
Why doesn't 真的, when used as an adverb, use 地?
What is the difference between "真" and "真的" ? "真 ... - HiNative
请问,“我都服了”、“我真的是服了”,“真服了”,这三个说法可以按 …
"真" 和 "真正" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
【真是 】 と 【真的】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative