Fractured is a 2019 American psychological thriller film directed by Brad Anderson from a screenplay by Alan B. McElroy. It stars Sam Worthington, Lily Rabe, Stephen Tobolowsky, Adjoa Andoh, and Lucy Capri.
2019年10月11日 · Fractured: Directed by Brad Anderson. With Sam Worthington, Lily Rabe, Lucy Capri, Adjoa Andoh. A couple stops at a gas station, where their 6 y.o. daughter's arm is fractured.
After his wife and injured daughter disappear from an ER, a man conducts a panicked search and becomes convinced the hospital is hiding something. Watch trailers & learn more.
2019年10月11日 · Ray Monroe (Sam Worthington) is traveling with his wife Joanne (Lily Rabe) and daughter Peri (Lucy Capri) when tragedy strikes. They stop off at a gas station and Peri wanders away to look at a part of the site that’s under construction. She’s startled by a stray dog, who moves toward her as Peri backs up to the edge of the construction site.
2024年7月31日 · Netflix's twisted new thriller Fractured stars Sam Worthington as a man whose family goes missing at a hospital, and the movie has a shocking ending.
After his wife and injured daughter disappear from the emergency room, a man becomes convinced the hospital is hiding something. Led by an arresting Sam Worthington...
2021年9月15日 · The psychological thriller Fractured starring Sam Worthington is a mind-bending story about a father looking for his family. Here's the ending explained.