The property tax rate for the City of Lebanon is $0.6855 per $100 of assessed value. If a property owner has a question regarding their assessments or needs to correct their mailing address they should contact the Wilson County Property Tax Assessor's office at 615-444-8661.
Working for the City of Lebanon provides opportunities for talented people who want to improve their community and make an important difference in the lives of their fellow citizens. Lebanon offers competitive rates of pay for all positions.
Historic Lebanon mission is simple; we use historic preservation for positive economic impact in the Lebanon community. A vibrant historic downtown core is essential to Lebanon’s economic development, quality of life and civic pride.
No yard waste - ** Please contact the City of Lebanon Street Dept. at 615-444-0825 ext. 5100 to find out what day your area is picked up. Yard waste may also be dropped off across from 410 Park Dr. behind the Youth Baseball blue building.
There are 9,862 households in the City of Lebanon. 34% of those households have one or more people under the age of 18 years. 24% of those households have one or more people 65 years and over.